Tips of choose gifts for wedding favors

First, what is the wedding favors

Wedding favors is a gift of a new couple in the wedding return the guests, the usually wedding favors does not include candy. To participate in wedding guests and failed to participate in wedding friends are all presented wedding favors the object. New couple in this way to express their gratitude, but also a grateful performance. wedding favors is a custom of marriage, meaning is to give a little something as a gift.

Second, calculate the object of the wedding favors
1, according to the total number of invitations sent, a rough estimate, purchase of gifts.
2, the guests name will be included in the return list when write invitations.
3, in order to avoid omissions, New couple can be listed from the distant relatives, and then calculate the good friends, classmates. Write the name in the retrun list after finishing it.
4, wedding day can be prepared more than 10 to 15 to avoid the omission.

Third, the purchase method
1. uniform purchase, means all guests are presented the same gift, the general recommendation to buy the unit price of 3-10usd gifts. Although this approach is more labor-saving but always feel a little perfunctory.
2. in accordance with the different importance of the guests or age, select the different wedding favors.

Fourth, present wedding favors time
1. has purchased gifts, you can choose the wedding day to give the guests.
2. if no time to buy gifts, can present wedding favors within one month after the wedding.

Fifth, present wedding favors method
1, choose the wedding day to send wedding favors, can put wedding favors on the wedding table, can also personally sent to guests when greeting.
2, If you choose return guests of after wedding, according to the family address to choose a different way to send. If you use the mail, it is best to attach a letter of thanks in the package.

Sixth, pay attention
1, pay attention to whether foreign friends to participate in wedding, are they have particularly taboo.
2, Pay attention to whether have gifts expired.
3, fragile gifts is not conducive to the transport, it is not convenient to take away by guests.
4, the return time can not be too late, otherwise, there will be a feeling not to be taken seriously.